廈門市瑞能酒店設備有限公司(簡稱:瑞能國際·瑪菲利整體智慧廚房生態服務商)坐落于美麗鷺島?中國廈門、公司集生產、研發、設計、銷售、售后、服務于一體的現代化商用廚具制造企業,公司成立于2009年,公司致力于打造高端品牌廚房市場,依托于全球頂尖知名品牌合作,形成戰略伙伴的品牌有:金佰特集團、瑪克、伊萊克斯、松下、邁科、威廉姆斯、瑪菲利、萬利多、星崎、佰菲、佰超、艾克菲、COVEN等,設有多個單品事業部。網絡遍布全國 各中心城市,建立了全覆蓋的銷售、安裝、售后的服務體系, 公司主要產品:中西餐爐具、存儲調理、商用洗滌、制冷、食品機械、自動炒菜、環保凈化、廚房整套排煙系統、廚房滅火系統、商用電磁爐、萬能烤箱設備等,被各大院校、中西餐廳、企事業單位、解放軍總后勤部、洲際大酒店、會議中心等重點工程選用。公司合作品牌擁有省級技術開發中心,參與制定《商用燃氣燃燒器具》國家 標準及多項行業標準,獲得國家專利100多項,率先在同行業通過“三體系認證〃、歐盟CE認證、美國的〃UL〃認 證、中國環保節能產品認證、售后服務五星認證、安全標準化企業等認證。多項產品榮獲省“中小企業創新轉型優勝企業”、全省首批“隱形冠軍〃企業、《品質》百強品牌等榮譽稱號。公司將秉承 “合作、務實、創新、利他”的發展理念,積極探索廚具產業新動能,不斷更新觀念,把握機遇,創新管理,銳意 進取,瑞能以卓越的智慧和專業技能共創未來。
Xiamen Ruineng Hotel Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Beautiful Ludao ? Xiamen, China. The company is a modern commercial kitchenware manufacturing enterprise that integrates production, research and development, design, sales, after-sales, and service. Founded in 2009, the company is committed to creating a high-end brand kitchen market. Relying on cooperation with top global brands, the company has formed strategic partners with brands such as Jinbaite Group, Mark, Electrox, Panasonic, Maiko, Williams, Mafili, Wanlido, Xingqi, Baifei, Baichao, Aikefei, COVEN, etc., and has multiple single product business units. The network covers various central cities across the country and has established a comprehensive sales, installation, and after-sales service system. The company's main products include Chinese and Western food stoves, storage and conditioning, commercial washing, refrigeration, food machinery, automatic stir frying, environmental purification, a complete set of kitchen smoke exhaust systems, kitchen fire extinguishing systems, commercial induction cookers, universal oven equipment, etc., which have been selected by major universities, Chinese and Western restaurants, enterprises and institutions, the General Logistics Department of the People's Liberation Army, intercontinental hotels, conference centers, and other key projects. The company's cooperative brand has a provincial-level technology development center, participated in the